Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beautiful things in the world, but many mothers feel a sense of embarrassment or discomfort feeding their baby in a public setting. A report from the CDC found that over 80 percent of mother’s start their baby’s lives by breastfeeding, but not all of them will continue for much longer.
One of the reasons why mothers give up on breastfeeding is because they don’t feel comfortable doing so, and might not have the support they need to continue with the role. We’ve got some simple tips for breastfeeding in public so the mother will be comfortable and baby will be fed and satisfied, no matter where they are.
#9: Be Patient

Learning how to nurse in public won’t happen the very first day of motherhood, and just like anything else in this role, it’s all trial and error. Be patient with yourself and your baby as you both learn what’s comfortable and effective.
It can take months to get the hang of breastfeeding, let alone how to do it in public and feel that you’re covered up and comfortable. Don’t be afraid to use any props you need or enlist the help of others to support you if they’re able to, and take your time in the learning process.
#8: Choose A Good Nursing Bra
The key to easy breastfeeding is having the right bra, and this is especially true when you’re in public. A good breastfeeding bra will allow your baby to feed without exposing too much of yourself and will also let you open it up one-handed so you can position your little one with the other.
There are many styles of nursing bras to suit your clothing choices, some for night time, and others for outings and daytime use.
#7: Consider Nursing Clothing
Investing in just a few nursing tops or dresses can be a lifesaver when you’re going out in a public place and feeling unsure about breastfeeding. These garments are made specifically for nursing mamas and give you easy access to feed your baby without revealing any of your skin or anything you don’t want to.
A nursing dress with a nursing bra underneath gives double protection and convenient access, so you spend less time fumbling around and more time feeding comfortably.
#6: Use Your Props
There are a number of great props and accessories that can help with breastfeeding and they can take some of the hard work out of it when you’re in public. When you’re new to nursing, using as many of these as you feel comfortable with is recommended, and as you gain more confidence you might even want to try and lose some.
Breastfeeding props for public nursing including shawls and coverups, portable nursing pillows, slings and wraps, or anything you want to bring from home that helps you feel safe and supported. You can choose to be as covered up as you like, so it’s all about you and your baby.
#5: Know Your Rights

By understanding your rights as a breastfeeding mother, you’ll have a sense of confidence when you’re out in public. In the United States, it’s completely within your rights to breastfeed in public and each state offers some form of legislative protection for mothers.
You don’t have to hide away, move to another area, or explain to anyone what you’re doing when you are feeding your baby, so simply ignore anyone that tells you otherwise.
#4: Location Is Everything
Some mothers are perfectly comfortable feeding their baby anywhere in public, and that’s completely fine. For mothers who are a little hesitant or would prefer some privacy, scope out locations when you arrive so you’re ready to go.
There might not always be a designated parenting area or feeding location, so have a quick look around when you arrive somewhere and choose a spot that’s quiet and out of the way of others if you prefer to have privacy.
#3: Relax Your Shoulders
One of the most common things we do when feeding, whether it’s at home or out, is to tense up our shoulders. The mere act of doing this can make you feel tense yourself, so make a mental note when you’re out in public to relax your shoulders and your baby.
Just being aware of your body and ensuring that you feel relaxed will help your mind to follow suit, and will have a good impact on baby as well.
#2: Don’t Hide Away

It’s totally normal when you have a baby to feel as though you want to hide away, especially as you get the hang of nursing. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stay locked up in your house and miss out of life.
Don’t let the fear of breastfeeding in public put you off from socializing or heading to the mall because the more you do it the less daunting it will be. Start with small trips closer to home and you learn the basics, and in no time at all, you’ll be comfortable enough to go anywhere and feed your baby.
#1: Don’t Stress
It can be easy to feel that everyone is looking for you as you nurse your baby in public, but the reality is most mothers won’t even be noticed.
People are often busy paying attention to their own lives to see what everyone else is doing, and those that do notice won’t have any issue with a mother feeding her hungry baby.
Try not to worry about what people think and learning how to cover up while breastfeeding, because most of the time your baby’s head will do most of the covering up for you.