If there’s one universal truth that all parents can agree on, it’s that their babies loved being rocked to sleep. The rocking motion and sleep seem to go hand and hand, and it’s the tried and true method that many moms and dads have used over the years in many different cultures to get their little ones to drift off.
Many parents worry that once they’re started the rock to sleep process it will be hard to wean their baby off of it, and others are just happy to have something that works. Whatever camp you’re in, there is so much amazing information out there about the process and rocking and what it does for us, so you’re sure to learn some.
We’re going to investigate further about what rocking side to side actually does and why it’s so helpful in facilitating sleep. Whether you’re a newborn baby or a fully-grown adult, it seems that the natural rocking motion achieved with a nursery glider or a standing parent can be very helpful in getting good sleep.
Why Does A Rocking Motion Facilitate Sleep?

For a baby or child, rocking back and forth seems like the easiest way to get them to fall asleep. It’s something that we begin with our newborn babies as soon as they come home from the hospital and many parents continue it for years to come.
The rocking motion is a natural instinct for parents and one that soothes babies instantly. Soothing, repetitive rocking is thought to emulate the feeling of the baby when they were in their mother’s stomach and this constant movement helps to relax them when they’re out in the world as well.
Studies have shown that rocking can actually slow down our heart rate and help us to relax, so imagine the effect it has on babies. Think about adults using a rocking chair to unwind or laying in a hammock on the beach, and you’ll see how amazing and beneficial this movement can be at all stages of life.
How Does A Nursery Rocking Chair Glider Help?
A nursery glider is like a rocking chair that glides gently backward and forwards as you sit in it. We know that the rocking motion is great for helping babies relax and fall asleep, but standing on your feet for hours doing it yourself is hard work, and this is where a glider comes in handy.
The glider gives you somewhere comfortable to sit so you’re not standing on your feet but also helps to achieve the consistent and soothing motion that babies need. With this one accessory you’ll have somewhere to feed them, read to them, and get them to sleep, and all the while you’ll be totally relaxed and comfortable for yourself.
Is There A Problem With The Rock To Sleep Method?

When we start to use rocking to sleep for our babies, we might wonder whether it’s creating a problem or not. There’s no right or wrong way to get your baby to sleep and as long as you are happy doing it, then that’s the way to go.
Some experts will tell you that you have to wean your baby off this rocking motion but if it feels right and works for you and your baby, then continue to do so. They will only be little for such a short period and won’t need a rocking toddler bed just to fall asleep when they’re older, so just do what’s natural for you both when they’re young.
Does It Work For Adults As Well?
We’ve all felt the relaxing motion of laying in a hammock or reading a book in a rocking chair, but does this rocking back and forth actually work for adults? One study looked at how it affects adults and found that even in our older years, the consistent and soothing back and forth motion of rocking can definitely facilitate sleep.
The study had two groups of men being rocked to sleep during a 45-minute nap and compared it to a group who weren’t rocked. The results found that those who were rocked to sleep actually had a better sleep because their brains were being synchronized for sleep, and were even able to sleep through more disruptions as well.
Understanding just how many ways rocking can help gives us a little more insight about why it works so well for babies. Rather than chastising yourself for doing something natural to soothe your baby, embrace this method and invest in a good glider that makes the whole process a lot easier.
The Most Natural Way To Get Your Baby To Sleep

Rocking your baby to sleep is a natural instinct and one that soothes both mother and baby. There are so many great benefits to this repetitive and soothing motion of rocking, but standing up for hours on end each night and rocking back and forward isn’t so relaxing for the parents.
Investing in a quality nursery glider can not only keep you comfortable but deliver this consistent and repetitive motion of rocking that will soothe even the most upset baby to sleep. When you have one of these chairs, you can enjoy their benefits for your children for many years to come, and even use them on your own when you just want to relax.
We now know that rocking helps relax even adults so imagine the great benefits it has for your baby. Sleep is one of the hardest challenges of having a baby, and using a glider to get the natural rocking motion will make your job a whole lot easier.